Bioinformatics MCQs Part 7


1.   When you are comparing two sequences of same or different organisms, what is the type of the alignment?
A. Global.
B. Local.
C. Pairwise sequence.
D. Multiple sequence.

2.    When you are comparing two or more than two sequences of same or different organisms, what is the type of the alignment?
A. Global.
B. Pairwise sequence.
C. Local.
D. Multiple sequence.

3.   Which alignment is useful to detect the highly similar sequences?
A. Pairwise sequence.
B. Local.
C. Global.
D. Multiple sequence.

4.   Which alignment is useful to detect the highly conserved regions?
A. Local.
B. Global.
C. Pairwise sequence.
D. Multiple sequence.

5.   The optimal alignment of two similar sequences is usually that _____ number of matches and ______ the number of gaps.
A. minimize, maximize.
B. maximize, minimize.
C. degrade, upgrade.
D. upgrade, degrade.

6.   Multiple sequence alignment method is called as ________alignment method.
A. global.
B. local.
C. progressive.
D. non-progressive.

7.  Which branching diagram is assumed to be an estimate of a phylogeny when branching lengths are proportional to the amount of inferred evolutionary change?
A. Phylogram.
B. Cladogram.
C. A guide tree.
D. Cardiogram.

8.   Profile Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are important because they provide a powerful way to search databases for _______ related homologs. A. closely.
B. distantly.
C. new.
D. extra.

9.   Pfam-A and Pfam-B is automatically generated from the ______ database.

10.  Which database of Pfam is having high quality data?
A. Pfam-A.
B. Pfam-B.
C. Pfam-C.
D. Pfam-D.


 Ans. 1- C, 2-D, 3-C, 4- A, 5-B, 6-C, 7-A, 8-B, 9-D, 10-A

Bioinformatics MCQs Part 2

  • O coined the term Bioinformatics and when?
    A. Paulien Hogeweg, 1979.
    B. Dr. Margaret Oakley Dayhoff, 1976.
    C. Robert Ledley, 1978.
    D. David W Mount, 1977.


  • Which one of the following is not a primary nucleic acid database?
    A. Gene Bank
    B. DDBJ
    C. EMBL


  • Which one of the following is a primary protein database?
    B. EMBL
    C. DDBJ
    D. NCBI


  • _______ is a secondary database.
    A. DDBJ
    C. NRDB


  • ______is a composite database.
    B. DDBJ
    C. NRDB
    D. EMBL


  • _______ is a primary protein structure database.
    A. PDB
    B. PubChem
    C. ChemBank
    D. SCOP


  • Which one of the following is a secondary protein structure database?
    A. PubChem
    B. PDB
    C. ChemBank
    D. SCOP


  • FASTA format starts with _______ symbol.
    A. /
    B. *
    C. >
    D. #


  • Which one of the following is a complementary DNA database?
    A. Swiss-Prot
    B. GeneBank
    C. UniSTS
    D. NRDB


  • HTGS is a division maintained by _______.
    A. NCBI
    B. PDB
    C. SCOP
    D. OWL

Ans. 1- A , 2-D, 3-A, 4- B, 5-C, 6-A, 7-D, 8-C, 9-C, 10-A

Bioinformatics MCQs Part 1

  • The first bioinformatics database was created by
    A. Richard Durbin
    B. Dayhoff
    C. Michael j.Dunn
    D. Pearson


  • SWISSPROT protein sequence database began in
    A. 1985
    B. 1986
    C. 1987
    D. 1988


  • Analyzing or comparing entire genome of species
    A. Bioinformatics
    B. Genomics
    C. Proteomics
    D. Pharmacogenomics


  • If you were using a proteomics approach to find the cause of a muscle disorder, which of the following techniques might you be using?
    A. creating a genomic library
    B. sequencing the gene responsible for the disorder
    C. developing physical maps from genomic clones
    D.determining which environmental factors influence the expression of your gene of interest annotating the gene sequence


  • Shotgun cloning differs from the clone-by-clone method in which of the following ways? | Bioinformatics Questions
    A. The location of the clone being sequenced is known relative to other clones within the genomic library in shotgun cloning.
    B. Genetic markers are used to identify clones in shotgun cloning.
    C. Computer software assembles the clones in the clone-by-clone method.
    D. The entire genome is sequenced in the clone-by-clone method, but not in shotgun sequencing.
    E. No genetic or physical maps of the genome are needed to begin shotgun cloning.


  • The tool for identification of motifs?
    A. COPIA
    B. Pattern Hunter
    D. BLAST


  • Gene duplication has been found to be one of the major reasons for genome expansion in eukaryotes. In general, what would be the selective advantage of gene duplication?
    A. If one gene copy is nonfunctional, a backup is available.
    B. Larger genomes are more resistant to spontaneous mutations.
    C. Duplicated genes will make more of the protein product.
    D. Gene duplication will lead to new species evolution.


  • You see that your lab partner is staring at a colorful Swiss-Prot page. He’s probably trying to
    A. translate a DNA segment into protein.
    B. find out structural and functional information about a protein he’s identified.
    C. determine how many harmful mutations have been reported in a certain gene.
    D. identify an amino acid sequence.


  • A data base of current sequence map of the human genome is called
    A. OMIM
    B. HGMD
    C. GodenPath
    D. GenCards


  • BLOSUM matrices are used for
    A. Multiple sequence alignment
    B. Pair wise sequence alignment
    C. Phylogenetic analysis
    D. All of the above


Ans. 1- B , 2-C, 3-B, 4- D, 5-E, 6-A, 7-A, 8-B, 9-C, 10-B

Why to study Bioinformatics?

  • Bioinformaticians are in high demand in Academia, Research and Industry because few people have the education and skills to fill the available positions.
  • Bioinformatics expertise is highly valued. Innovative and technological abilities and easy adaptation to changes are intrinsic traits of Bioinformaticians, broadening their employability in the modern scientific and technological societies undergoing permanent renewal.
  • Learning bioinformatics is a determined bet to professional success. Bioinformaticians enjoy a vast range of research and professional jobs and earn competitive starting salaries.
  • Bioinformatics is a transversal area, applicable to all sub-sectors of the life sciences. For Omics research, it is essential to handle and interpret large-scale data.

Challenges for Bioinformatics Field


  1. Education: development of bioinformatics curricula.
  2. Determining protein: DNA, protein: RNA, protein: protein recognition codes.
  3. Mechanistic understanding of speciation.
  4. Development of effective gene ontologies: systematic ways to describe gene and protein function.
  5. Accurate ab initio protein structure prediction.
  6. Precise models of where and when transcription will occur in a genome (initiation and termination).
  7. Precise, predictive models of alternative RNA splicing.
  8. Precise models of signal transduction pathways; ability to predict cellular responses to external stimuli.
  9. Rational design of small molecule inhibitors of proteins.
  10. Mechanistic understanding of protein evolution.

Bioinformatics Journals


Top 11 Bioinformatics Journals

  1. Briefings in Bioinformatics
  2. BMC Bioinformatics
  3. DNA Research
  4. Bioinformatics
  5. In Silico Biology
  6. Journal of Biomedical Informatics
  7. Pattern Recognition
  8. PLoS Computational Biology
  9. Journal of Computational Biology
  10. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  11. Bio system

Nucleotide Sequence Databases

    The International Nucleotide Sequence Databases (INSD) have been developed and maintained collaboratively     between DDBJ , EMBL , and GenBank for over 18 years.
  • ENA
    The European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) provides a comprehensive record of the world's nucleotide sequencing information, covering raw sequencing data, sequence assembly information and functional annotation.
  • RefSeq
    The Reference Sequence (RefSeq) collection aims to provide a comprehensive, integrated, non-redundant set of sequences, including genomic DNA, transcript (RNA), and protein products.
  • GenBank
    GenBank is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA sequences
  • DDBJ
    DNA Databank of Japan

Bioinformatics Events 2016


CCEA--Ei 2016 : 2016 7th International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applications (CCEA 2016)--Scopus, Ei
Location :Shanghai, China Date :Jul 7, 2016 - Jul 9, 2016 Conference Venue :Golden River-View Hotel Paper Publishing :CCEA 2016 papers will be published in Conference Proceedings, which is indexed by Ei Compendex, Inspec, and Scopus, or IJCEA (ISSN: 2010-0221).
Click Here for more Information 1
Click Here for more Information 2
  • Call for Papers:

    BIOEJ 2016 : Bioscience & Engineering: An International Journal
    Submission Deadline: May 10, 2016
    Notification Due : Jun 11, 2016
    Final Version Due : Jun 22, 2016
    Topics of Interest : Biochemical Engineering
    Health Informatics
    Bioscience Engineering
    Bio-fermentation Technology
    Food Science & Technology
    Molecular Biology of Plants

    Paper Submission: Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail
    Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while
    being evaluated for this Journal.
    Important Dates :
    Submission Deadline : May 10, 2016
    Authors Notification : June 11 , 2016
    Final Manuscript Due : June 22 , 2016
    Publication Date : Determined by the Editorial Board
    Click Here for more Information
    Click Here for more Information
  • ======================================================================================
  • CEuro-Par Workshop:

    4th International Workshop on Parallelism in Bioinformatics (proceedings published by Springer LNCS)
    Dr. Miguel A. Vega-Rodriguez (
    ARCO Research Group
    University of Extremadura
    Dept. Technologies of Computers & Communications
    Escuela Politecnica. Campus Universitario, s/n
    10003 Caceres. SPAIN
    Tel: +34-927-25-72-63
    Fax: +34-927-25-71-87
    Click Here for more Information
  • ======================================================================================
  • RGCB Workshop series:

    Dates :18 May 2016 - 20 May 2016
    Location :Trivandrum, Kerala, India
    Abstract: The current workshop will span theoretical understanding of the evolution of signaling networks from individual molecular
    reactions and the integration of individual molecular reactions to build complex signaling networks. Further, this workshop also offer
    the introduction to tools and methods involved in the identification of protein-protein interactions, enzyme-substrate reactions, post-translational
    modifications, protein localization and expression of genes at the level of mRNAs, microRNAs and proteins. The practical sessions will introduce the
    development and visualization tools and hands-on training in the development of signaling pathways. Importantly, the practical sessions would also
    introduce the analysis of high-throughput data using open-access pathway analysis tools
    Contact :Dr. Reshmi G;
    Phone: [+ 91- 471-2781247];
    Email: Topics: Perspectives to Cell Signaling, Tools and Methods to study, Signaling Pathway Reactions,
    Pathway curation strategies, Development of Signaling, Pathway Network Maps, Tools for Pathway Visualization,
    Standard Community Formats, Pathway Resources, Pathway Analysis Tools,
    Pathway Analysis of high throughput transcriptomics and proteomics data Related subject(s):Systems Biology and Computational Biology
    Click Here for more Information
  • Bioinformaticians

    Bioinformatics is the science of collecting and analyzing complex biological data such as genetic codes. Bioinformaticians apply information technology to Health research, Medical and Biological. They use computational tools to gather and analyze data in fields such as population, biology, genetics, and pharmaceutical development.