The objectives of bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is a broad discipline and often considered complementary, (if not equivalent) to the fields of computational biology and bio statistics. The overarching objectives of bioinformatics can broadly be categorized into the three key areas:

analytical method development 
construction and cu ration of computational tools and databases 
data mining, interpretation and analysis

1. Analytical method development The construction and refinement of mathematical algorithms and statistical methods for the management and analysis of biological and bio medical data. Bioinformaticians function in a ‘research and development’ role, frequently applying statistical programming languages, mathematical modelling and computer simulations to design and implement methods for analyzing data. e.g. the development of algorithms to detect mutations in our genomes.

2. Construction and cu ration of computational tools and databases The collation, organisation and annotation of biological and medical data to aid its retrieval and analysis. Additionally the development and refinement of software tools that implement algorithms for analyzing biological and bio medical data. Bioinformaticians work in an ‘engineering’ capacity, typically using programming experience to develop bioinformatics workflows, databases and tools. e.g. the creation and maintenance of database resources cataloging information on genes and proteins.

3. Data mining, interpretation and analysis The extraction and analysis of data from databases or data sets using computational tools to derive biological or medical knowledge and insight from them. Bioinformaticians apply the above computational tools and analytical methods, as well use computer programming languages to extrapolate biological ‘meaning’ from data. e.g. the application of bioinformatics tools to predict protein structure and function. For a bioinformatician to deliver all these objectives would require a wide array of skills and deep understanding of many disparate domains of science. Like most scientists, individual bioinformaticians rarely possess the proficiency to fulfill all the possible objectives of their field. Instead they specialise according to their specific expertise and education, and work with other bioinformaticians, scientists and health professionals to achieve the broader objectives of their work.

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